Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Quick Note

I just wanted to re-clarify a few things  I said in my introductory post.

First off, writing is the way I express my feelings.

I will not come home from school and be all like "Someone called me a name and it made me angry, I'll change her name to Sally and write about it"

I am much...classier than that.

I can only write my feelings out when a certain emotion(s) have been building up in me for a while. I can usually write a poem or maybe drabble about it when it's just beginning to weigh on me, but short stories, narratives, and plotless prose only come when something is REALLY bugging me. So my writing here is never related to a specific incident, it is the result of a build-up of emotions.

With that said, not all of the things read here are truly based on anything that happened. My favorite kind of short stories to write are spin-offs on my longer works of fiction, since I don't see the point in putting time into characters you only get to see for a short while. Unless it's for a class. Besides, I feel like it helps with character development, and it gives me the chance to assume the identities of characters I don't get to narrate from. Characters from short stories I wrote for class have made cameos in some of my longer works of fiction. With that being said, my characters on here won't be as developed as I'd like to make them, unless they belong to my novel.

Yes, my postings here will reflect my own personal moral standards and beliefs. Some even will reflect the opposites. Even though I'm a firm believer in God, I am not here to cram my religion down other people's throats. If you are not a Christian, I am totally cool with that. I would never want anyone to feel like I'm trying to force them to believe in God, so don't take it that way. If I write something that doesn't reflect my own beliefs and moral standards, don't feel like I'm making fun of anyone. It's purely out of my love for writing and my desire to be able to create a wide varitety of characters. Not all characters can be perfect little Christian angels. No one is like that in the real world, so it shouldn't be that way in fiction. I did not address this in my first post, but I just thought it'd be useful to add.

The other thing I'd like to address is the part at the end when I said I wouldn't use profanity.

When I was younger, my parents told me what words I couldn't say. But they haven't said in a while what I can and can't say, so I go with my gut. My parents don't monitor what I write, but I do not write anything that I feel they wouldn't approve of. Therefore, I do not swear. I also don't write about sex or things of the like.

I realize that everybody's different, and that what might be a swear word to you might not be one to me.

Some people consider "Crap" as a cuss, but I don't.

I also do not consider the word pissed as a swear word.

And I don't consider Hell as a swear word, but only when it references the place. I even let it slide if someone says their life is like Hell, since it still references the place. The other uses of the word feel more like cussing to me so I don't use them.

I have discussed this with my parents, and they know I will be using those words in my writing.

Well, that was more than a quick note, but I still hope that clarified things.

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